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  • Subprimes, suite .....

    State Street Subprime Damages May Reach 12 Times Reserve Amount

    May 8 (Bloomberg) -- State Street Corp., the largest money manager for institutions, may have to pay more than 12 times the $625 million it set aside for damages from lawsuits over losses from subprime-mortgage investments made for pension funds.

    Il faut acheter les cabinets d'avocats.


    • Chaque jour vers 16 h parait une revue de presse et une série d'articles économiques et boursiers sur ce site anglophone :
      et chaque matin une serie d'articles économiques sur celui là :
      A découvrir pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas .


      • natural gaz qui accelere suite aux stats => ca va entrainer le crude => plouf plouf les indices

        Faut écrire plus gros, ils n'ont pas vu.


        • Bien ton site Meteor13.

          May 8, 2008
          A Rally To Nowhere


          • Ca déchire ....

            US tax rebates mean blood in shark-infested water



            The government rebates are coming: Quick, hide from the bill collectors! Creditors and debt collectors alike can smell the money a mile away, and they’re mighty hungry. Some debt collectors resemble sharks who want to take a big bite, while others are like mosquitoes who quietly feast. But many more are like leeches attaching to prey until they’re full, and their victims have been sucked dry.


            Signs of the stretched consumer include the following stunning facts:

            Home equity loans have a seven percent delinquency;
            Subprime mortgages, past due over 60 days, are pushing 14 percent;
            Over one million homes are in foreclosure and three million more are empty, and up for sale;
            Ten million homes have mortgage balances greater than their value. (No wonder some homeowners are walking away from them);
            In the auto market, 25 percent of all car loans are higher than the car is worth. (The average balance these cars are underwater for is $4,300!)
            Jobs are also falling off a cliff. If it hadn't been for the Birth Death computer model at the BLS creating service jobs out of thin air, the payroll data would have shown over 280,000 people actually lost their jobs in April. Currently, 2.7 million workers have exhausted their unemployment benefits, and with no job prospects or income, hello collector!


            • Citation de : yacafocon (au 08-05-2008 16:20:18)Voici un relais de croissance :

              A mon avis c est un relais possible, une bonne guerre cela relance l economie dans un certain sens...

              Voir le documentaire controversé Zeigeist : (partie FED, english)
              ou en version complete francais : (avancez jusqu a FED)

              Et comme l a souligne Chris precedemment, il n y a pas beaucoup d alternatives de croissance pour le momment a l horizon...


              • Des Guerres il y en aura probablement beaucoup.
                Quelles formes prendront-elles ?
                Bloc contre Bloc ?
                Association des grands (puissances nucléaires)
                contre les petits… riches en matière première ?

                Si vous voulez mon avis :
                Le pire a été commis en 40/44 !
                Jusqu’au prochain pire.
                On appellera ce nouveau pire…pragmatisme…
                Après, on dira plus jamais cela… etc…


                • des vrais banquiers centraux...pas des nazs comme BEN ou JCT

                  The governor of the Bank of Canada says he will take a tough stand with financial institutions that wind up near bankruptcy because of poor decisions.

                  Mark Carney says the central bank won't bail out Canadian financial institutions like the U.S. government did when the Bear Stearns brokerage, one of the giants of Wall Street, ran afoul of the subprime mortgage mess.

                  "If you cannot make a judgment (on the value of an asset), you should not own the security," Carney told a Senate committee yesterday.

                  "There is very high value, if a situation came about, to ensuring the shareholders and senior managers bear the full consequences of their actions," he said.

                  US et on repart.....BEN etait occupé hier....mais aujourd hui on l a appelé avec l ouverture voilà .....en avant ...)


                  • un autre élément pour la crise immobiliere (finie ?) aux USA

                    Today fewer than 10% of homes in L.A. are affordable to a typical family using a fixed-rate mortgage, according to the National Association of Home Builders. Nationally, the number is 46%, down from 64% a decade ago. And around big cities with decent economies, numbers in the teens and twenties are common.

                    To pull the Conrads and others like them off the fence, prices are going to have to get a lot lower. So why aren't they there yet? Agents all over Southern California say that owners (like the Porters), as well as lenders with houses to sell, have been slow to accept just how weak the market has become. (Agents, of course, are very anxious to record some sales ASAP.) Erik van Joosten, market manager for Redfin, observes that around 25% of listings in Orange County are would-be short sales - that is, the owner hopes to convince the bank to take a price less than the value of the loan as an alternative to foreclosure. But short sales make up just 5% of sales pending, which suggests that banks aren't approving a lot of offers.

                    Sur que les CDO vont reprendre de la valeur et les banques sont pressées d en racheter


                    • nouvel aparté


                      comme par hasard,à une période "charnière",un certain nombre d evenements s accélere....
                      la faiblesse américaine ,engluée en Irak et financièrement au bord de l implosion,devrait générer plein de choses dans un laps de temps relativement court....
                      L occasion est belle pour passer à l acte sans risquer de retour de manivelle US....
                      (quand la marée se retire,on voit qui est à poil......ce coup ci,c est le géant US)


                      • gasoil
                        fuel domestique

                        devinez ce qu ils font ....

                        JCT OLA ??? ALLO ??? CA VA "DECREASE SLOWLY " ...c est sur.....quel nase


                        • On y arrive, c est pour bientot... grace au duo gagnant JCT/BENI


                          • Michel,tu dessines tres bien !! ))


                            • US et on repart.....BEN etait occupé hier....mais aujourd hui on l a appelé avec l ouverture voilà .....en avant ...)

                              Chris, BEN n'a pas l'air en forme, je crains qu'il ne nous couve quelque chose.


                              • 124.40

                                Les russes prient tous les jours que BEN et JCT vivent 1000 ans !!

                                Chavez doit bien rigoler !!!

