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  • en fait,c est sur des détails du contrat ne remet pas en cause encore les commandes et les j ai bien compris BFM

    pour les fans de "Wall street warriors"...Sandisk en forte baisse !! cher Michel )


    • Je me suis fais avoir j'ai gardé mon put 4600...sacré US comme dab!!!


      • La FED fait n'importe quoi:

        Fed's Auditors Cite Repeated Internal Control `Deficiencies'

        une 18 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve, a top regulator of the nation's banks, has been rebuked by auditors for a third time in two years for flaws with its internal controls.

        The Government Accountability Office, a congressional watchdog agency, reported ``deficiencies'' this week in computer security at the Fed's 12 regional banks. Deloitte & Touche LLP cited ``a significant deficiency'' in computer access, according to the Fed's 2007 annual report provided to Congress in April. KPMG LLC found weaknesses in financial reporting the prior year.

        ``The Board still has work remaining to fully implement its information security program,'' Coleman said in an annual report to the board in September noting several ``control deficiencies.''

        `Poor Example'

        In the 2006 annual report, KPMG LLC also cited a ``significant deficiency'' in controls. The auditor said some accounts payable transactions and prepaid expenses had been recorded for incorrect years. The auditor urged the Fed to ``strengthen its policies and procedures.''

        Fed spokesman Skidmore said the Fed had enhanced its controls in response to the audit. ``The recommendations were in fact implemented,'' he said.


        • U.S. Auto Sales in June May Decline to 15-Year Low

          ``Dealers report they are now suffering from a mismatch in between what consumers want to buy (small cars), and what they have in inventory (pickups and sport-utility vehicles),'' Lache wrote.


          • Une banque,des ordinateurs,des problemes comptables,des erreurs....on connait l histoire..bientot une AK !! ))

            Article sur un autre site sur la facon dont la FED va intégrer les CDO et autres SIV de Bear stearns....aussi "exotique" en terme de comptabilité....

            les US sont amusants..surtout avec ces républicains !!

            BEN a un probleme avec le pétrole...5$ de reversal....attention si il refait un plus haut....l argent va vers le pétrole et l Asie et l immo en Asie...

            Sandisk..c est la 1ere attaque sur la high tech...
            Un bon analyste sur CNBC tres tres réservé sur la high tech..voyait les entreprises réduire la voilure des investissements..

            (toujours l aveuglement sur l inflation....génial...ils ne se rendent pas compte de l inflation importée...)


            • Le groupe de tabac franco-espagnol Altadis pourrait annoncer la suppression d'un "millier d'emplois" en France, selon les syndicats. Un comité d'entreprise extraordinaire (CE) est prévu, jeudi 19 juin, à Paris. L'ancienne Seita devenue Altadis en 1999 après son mariage avec l'espagnole Tabacalera, a été racheté en janvier par son concurrent britannique Imperial Tobacco.

              "Chaque fois qu'une grosse entreprise rachète une autre, obligatoirement cela entraîne des réorganisations, des restructurations et cela veut dire des fermetures et des suppressions d'emplois", a déploré, mercredi, Jean-Marie Roux, élu CGT au CE européen du fabricant de tabac. "Ce sont des rumeurs, mais ils ont commencé à préparer les salariés psychologiquement en disant que ça va être très important comme restructuration", a-t-il indiqué, confirmant ainsi les informations parues mercredi dans Les Echos. "On parle de 1 000 à 1 200 suppressions d'emplois, dont 80 % au siège parisien, et de la fermeture des sites de Metz et Strasbourg"

              autre article du monde

              Le club des pays qui ont une inflation à deux chiffres a "accueilli" deux nouveaux membres en 2007. Ils sont désormais douze - parmi eux, la Russie, la Turquie et le Venezuela.
              Neuf des douze pays du "club de l'inflation" ont des taux d'intérêt réels négatifs - en moyenne 6,2 % de moins que les prix. L'inflation devrait s'y accroître. Par ailleurs, il peut advenir que les gouvernements s'attaquent aux symptômes plutôt qu'à la maladie, instaurant notamment des contrôles sur le prix des produits qui augmentent alors... plus vite

              BEN et TCJ devraient méditer ca....


              • Après le château Petrus, Ben et JCT s'adonneraient-ils au "Cheval Blanc", en honneur de l'inflation galoppante?


                • je choisis Cheval 1990...fabuleux....

                  mais finalement je crois que je prefere les grands blancs.....))


                  • A propos du DJ...

                    je jette un oeil sur Exxon....le titre faiblit
                    IBM ...splendides divergences baissieres se mettant en place en daily
                    Mac Do encore fort
                    Microsoft a des niveaux importants.....

                    RIMM splendides et enormes divergences baissieres.....

                    En revanche le yen s est extrait du canal haussier....;là aussi,des divergences apparaissent mais pas encore flagrantes sur tous les oscillos


                    • Du nouveau pour tirer du cash de l'immobilier:

                      Homeowners Offered New Way to Tap House's Equity

                      Like most long-time homeowners, Dan and Jody Dollar have built up quite a lot of equity in their Newbury Park, California, home.

                      They've lived in the house for 24 years, come close to paying off the mortgage, and watched its value go up from $160,000 to almost $700,000.

                      That was equity they wanted to tap to pay off the family cars and buy some new equipment for Dan's physical therapy practice.

                      But they didn't want to get into a costly reverse mortgage.

                      Instead, the Dollars signed up for a relatively new product called a Rex Agreement.

                      It gave them $117,000 in cash to spend however they wanted, and they owe no payments until they sell the house.

                      At that time, they'll owe Rex & Co. the $117,000 plus half of the appreciation in their home's worth between the time they signed the agreement and the time they sell the house.

                      If the house goes down in value, Rex & Co. will eat half of that loss as well.

                      Since they signed the agreement last October, prices in their neighborhood have dropped.



                      • Sinopec, PetroChina Shares Fall as Goldman Cuts Target Prices

                        June 19 (Bloomberg) -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. and PetroChina Co., the nation's two biggest oil refiners, fell in Hong Kong trading as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cut the stocks' target prices because of losses from turning oil into fuels.



                        • Un peu de tout:

                          Hana Shares Fall on Maeil Report of Rising Bank Loan Defaults

                          June 19 (Bloomberg) -- Hana Financial Group Inc., South Korea's fourth-largest financial services company, fell by the most in two weeks after the Maeil Business Newspaper said more companies and consumers failed to repay loans from local banks.

                          UBS Pays Higher Yields in First Samurai Bond Sale

                          June 19 (Bloomberg) -- UBS AG, the European bank with the biggest losses related to U.S. subprime mortgages, paid Japanese bond investors higher yields than Australian borrowers in its first sale of samurai bonds today.

                          Able Shares Plunge After Company Ordered to Stop Misleading Ads

                          June 19 (Bloomberg) -- Able Inc. plunged the most in more than six years in Tokyo trading after the Japanese real-estate agency was ordered by regulators to stop using misleading ads for rental apartments.

                          The shares fell 13 percent to 1,170 yen as of 9:59 a.m. on the Jasdaq Securities Exchange, the biggest drop since September 2001.

                          Japan's Fair Trade Commission said yesterday it found advertisements on the Tokyo-based company's Web site and other media for properties that didn't exist or with inaccurate age or location information.

                          Hexion Sues to Cancel $10.6 Billion Huntsman Merger

                          June 18 (Bloomberg) -- Hexion Specialty Chemicals Inc., a unit of Apollo Management LP, sued to cancel its $10.6 billion acquisition of Huntsman Corp. because banks probably won't provide debt financing. Huntsman stock plunged.


                          • Lehman transfère ses toxics assets:

                            Lehman's Rieder Brought $5 Billion of Assets to Fund

                            June 18 (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. invested in former trader Rick Rieder's new hedge fund and sold it about $5 billion of assets, positioning the investment bank to profit from the stakes while shrinking its own balance sheet.

                            Lehman, the fourth-biggest U.S. securities firm, is a minority investor in the fund, called R3 Capital Partners, Rieder said. He declined to say how much money he raised from his former employer or outside investors. Lehman spokeswoman Kerrie Cohen declined to comment.

                            ``These are assets we feel very comfortable with,'' Rieder, 46, said in an interview today. ``They have terrific potential for great returns. Just like other shareholders, Lehman will benefit from the returns we'll make going forward.''



                            • L'aspirateur à pognon en pleine forme aux US:

                              Turning savings into income

                              New funds from Fidelity and Vanguard offer retirees a way to tap their nest egg for monthly expenses.

                              (Fortune) -- Where baby-boomers go, the financial services industry follows. Too large, at 77 million people, and too affluent to be ignored, this group has been heavily wooed at every stage of life. Now, as the oldest boomers begin leaving the workforce, Fidelity and Vanguard have launched mutual funds aimed at retirees who are making the transition from saving to spending.



                              • U.S. Slowdown, Price Increase Isn't Your Father's Stagflation

                                June 19 (Bloomberg) -- Stagflation just ain't what it used to be.

                                While economic growth has almost stalled, and surging oil prices have doubled the rate of inflation since the start of last year, structural changes in the economy since the 1970s mean the U.S. is unlikely to witness anything like the conditions that ravaged it then.

                                ``It's a mini-stagflation,'' said Allen Sinai, chief economist at Decision Economics Inc. in New York.


