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MF Global
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  • #16
    Ne travaillez Jamais, ne travailler Jamais, never work,arbeiten Sie nie


    • #17

      "il semble que le monde soit petit !" "même en plein marathon de NY "

      presse de nov- dec 2011 (relationship Gensler/Corzine)


      • #18
        Another Week, Another Bankster with Impunity
        Posted on August 16, 2012

        "One final note on this: this article came out not days before Corzine walked by a phalanx of journalists for his date with interview with Preet. Rather, that interview is still at least several weeks away."


        • #19
          60 jours depuis juin ça renvoie début Août

          c'était le 6 août sur le site du syndic

          pour le 15 Août :

          Une audience pour approuver l'accord de coopération* est prévue pour le 5 septembre.


          • #20
            Who Wants To Help Jon Corzine Launch A Hedge Fund?

            un peu d'ironie sur Dealbreaker

            "All you have to give him is a little something called “2 and 20.” (3 and 50 if you really want to show your support.) Is that so much to ask? Get in on the ground floor."



            "A guy robs a liquor store with a gun for $200 he gets 3-5 years. A guy robs $1.2 billion with a pen he opens a new hedge fund? What a joke. " dixit Musk


            • #21
              aurait plus sa place dans "mieux vaut en rire"



              • #22
                rare qu'on en parle dans la presse francophone,
                cet article sur NYT est tombé au moment de l'annonce du syndic cf + haut , et la coalition qu'il forme entre avocats (August 15, 2012-Message Regarding Innovative Cooperation Agreement with Plaintiffs’ Counsel)
                , j'ai cru comprendre que ça pourrait prendre une tournure plus vers le civil ( un peu comme DSK en ce moment)
                A moins que toutes les charges retombent hypothétiquement sur Edith O'Brien ?
                un autre article

                et je lis sur Breitbart que l'avocat , d'O'Brien et MFG est Reid Weingarten, qui est aussi l'avocat et bestfriend d'Eric Holder Democrate (Deputy Attorney General sous Clinton ) et Procureur Général des USA sous Obama Wiki .

                REVEALED: Corzine’s MF Global Was Client of Eric Holder’s Law Firm

                Exclusive: Corzine Firm Member's Attorney Is Holder’s Former Lawyer and 'Best Friend'


                Dans tout les cas sur twitter depuis cette après midi les ricains sont offusqués à la chaine , il y a un message toutes les minutes qui tombe

                Le problème dans l'histoire c'est qu'on est très proche des élections du 6 novembre cf lien - à J-84

                Alors Obama ou Romney ? si je me base juste sur la courbe de l'emploi Obama à toutes ses chances de repasser , l'avenir nous le dira

                Bref le principal c'est que tout les fonds reviennent au plus vite tout ça ne nous regarde pas bonne soirée

                Pour souvenir

                Jon Corzine Raised 500.000 dollars for Obama
                le 31 janvier 2012
                Obama for America and Obama Victory Fund 2012 Volunteer Fundraisers


                • #23
                  Bonjour mes lectures matinales et parution du jour, rien de nouveau

                  Aug. 16, 2012
                  Jon Corzine has a deal for you
                  Former MF Global chief is considering a hedge fund


                  "L'ancien chef de MF Global envisage de «se livrer à sa passion pour le trading", selon le New York Times...envisage de lancer un hedge fund...Bien sûr, tout cela est discutable si des accusations civiles sont déposées contre lui"

                  Jon Corzine, Ex-MF Global CEO, Is Considering Starting A Hedge Fund

                  MF Global Sued Over Mercuria Energy Loan in Bankruptcy Court

                  After MF Global, a Need to Find New Ways to Protect Customers

                  Is DOJ running out the clock on MF Global investigation?

                  Jon Corzine avoids charges
                  August 16, 2012


                  "O'Brien was central to the transfer of funds at issue. She sought full immunity and was apparently denied. There's a lot going on behind the scenes, but it now appears her gambit has failed. She just might be the only person charged in this mess, though Corzine is reportedly not of a mind to provide damning testimony.

                  In the end, it's likely that no one will be criminally charged."

                  O'Brien qui était au centre de transfert des fonds , a demandé l'immunité totale qui a été apparemment refusée. Elle pourrait bien être la seule personne inculpée dans cette "pagaille", si Corzine ne fournit pas un témoignage accablant.

                  En fin de compte, il est probable que personne ne sera accusé du crime.


                  • #24

                    Créer sa société de gestion de portefeuille - AMF

                    Pourquoi constituer une société de gestion de portefeuille ? Qui peut créer une société de gestion de portefeuille ? Quelles sont les conditions minimales requises pour obtenir l’agrément...


                    Ne pas omettre de :

                    joindre la lettre et la déclaration de chaque apporteur de capitaux ;fournir un projet d’organigramme de la société, présentant les fonctions et les liens hiérarchiques de l’ensemble des collaborateurs ; joindre les CV et extraits de casier judiciaire des dirigeants qui détermineront l’orientation de la société et les CV des personnes affectées à la gestion financière et aux diverses formes de contrôle (interne, déontologique, des risques).


                    Jon Corzine (Yes, That Jon Corzine) May Start a Hedge Fund

                    Read more:

                    Jon Corzine: From Goldman to NJ to MF Global– A DEBT DEBT DEBT MACHINE

                    The MF Global Case: What "Looking Forward" Looks Like
                    Read more:


                    • #25
                      CNBC: ALERT: Peregrine CEO Wasendorf pleads not guilty to lying to regulators

                      Expression Anglaise

                      "Spread the word" serait ce l'expression "se faire passer le mot"

                      I don't write to say what I think but to know what I think


                      • #26
                        Mike Doherty is an American Republican Party politician who serves in the New Jersey Senate representing the 23rd Legislative District


                        Senator Michael Doherty (R-23) responded with dismay to published reports that prosecutions are unlikely following a criminal investigation into the collapse of MF Global and the disappearance of as much as $1.6 billion of customer funds.

                        “This is the first time in history that segregated funds held in customer accounts were raided by a financial firm to cover the firm’s losses,” said Doherty. “It’s almost unthinkable that the mega-rich executives at MF Global could loot the accounts of farmers and middle-class Americans and be allowed to get away with it.”

                        Days after it was revealed that customer funds were missing and MF Global declared bankruptcy, the firm’s CEO, former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine, resigned.

                        A piece published in the New York Times indicated that although it has been confirmed that customer funds were tapped to pay the firm’s debts, in violation of the law, it is unlikely that criminal charges will be filed against Corzine or other of the firm’s top executives.

                        “How much does someone on Wall Street have to steal before Obama’s Justice Department will take action?” asked Doherty. “Isn’t $1 billion enough?”

                        Doherty noted that Corzine is among President Obama’s top bundlers, raising more than $500,000 for the President’s reelection campaign in the first quarter of 2012.

                        “President Obama’s ties to Jon Corzine and the lack of prosecutions of anyone at MF Global have to raise eyebrows,” said Doherty. “It looks to the average person like you can get away with anything if your political connections or fundraising abilities are good enough. The lack of prosecutions in this case is beyond suspicious.”

                        The article in the Times also noted that federal regulators may not proceed with civil enforcement actions or attempt to ban Corzine from future work on Wall Street. The paper cited sources close to Corzine who claimed he might be planning to start a new hedge fund.

                        “Corzine wants to return to Wall Street to continue adding to his millions while countless small investors of his old firm are still waiting for their life savings to be returned,” added Doherty. “Wall Street must be the only place where the federal government lets you return to the scene of the crime and get paid for it.”


                        • #27

                          "dernière ligne droite au bout de 10 mois"


                          • #28
                            ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI: Yes, I Would Invest In Jon Corzine's Hedge Fund

                            Read more:


                            Corzine Démarrage d'un Hedge Fund? Scandaleux, peut-être, mais pas sans précédent ; Les accusations sont abandonnées contre l'ancien chef MF Global, tourbillon de rumeurs au sujet de son prochain come back


                            What is the REAL reason Jon Corzine will not be prosecuted for the theft of $1.6 billion of MF Global customer money?


                            Rick Santelli On Jon Corzine And The MF Global Customer Heist: "I Walk Away Thinking, If You’re One Of Those Elites, You’re Above The Law"
                            August 20, 2012

                            "Jon Corzine is an ex-senator, ex-governor — well-connected — I walk away thinking, if you’re one of those elites, you’re above the law..."



                            • #29
                              Le cas PFG et MF Global sont des cas presque identiques.

                              PFG victims give trustee “F” in communication

                              Evidence of Corzine Fraud

                              What is the REAL reason Jon Corzine will not be prosecuted for the theft of $1.6 billion of MF Global customer money?


                              Si rien ne se passa avant le 20 janvier 2013 alors wall street pourra encore attendre 4 ans ?


                              • #30
                                Bonsoir JB,

                                Peut-être un moyen pour faire tomber Jon Corzine?



