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  • Robot

    Parlons Robots ...

  • #2


    • #3
      Mille soldats américains tués en Afghanistan chiffres de 2010....
      pour qui ????.....

      Ces deux décès portent à 4.471 le nombre de soldats américains morts en Irak depuis l'invasion de 2003.
      pourquoi ???

      Imaginons si on leur envois des jouets...

      j'ai omis le nombre de victimes civiles....
      Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière empoisonnée, le dernier poisson capturé,
      alors seulement vous vous apercevrez que l'argent ne se mange pas.
      Proverbe Amérindien


      • #4
        un livre sur les Robots,%20High-Frequency%20Trading%20A%20Practical%20Guide%20to%20Algorithmic%20Strategies%20and%20Trading%20Systems.pdf


        • #5
          Un autre article , orienté emploi et technologie


          • #6
            voici les robots en direct !!

            Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière empoisonnée, le dernier poisson capturé,
            alors seulement vous vous apercevrez que l'argent ne se mange pas.
            Proverbe Amérindien


            • #7

              ils m'ont sauvé les robots de ma lenteur ,je n'ai pas eu le temps de placer un ordre que tout s’écroula


              • #8
                How to Understand High Frequency Trading
                By Mike Konczal

                Jul 28 2009, 1:10 PM ET 6

                High Frequency Trading: You might not have heard of it now, but get ready, because it's going to be everywhere in the next few weeks. After the New York Times' exposed how advanced Wall Street computers can execute impossibly complicated, and possibly unfair, stock trades, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asked the SEC to ban certain types of high frequency trading, or HFT. But what is HFT exactly, how does it work?

                There is still a lot of uncertainty about how exactly these trades are executed. As the Times reported in a very clear graphic, computers can "peek" at trade orders 0.3 seconds before they are executed, and actually buy the stock milliseconds before it goes up in value. During this process they "ping" (or listen to) the prices, learning how much people are willing to pay by making a flash bid -- a bid to see the maximum price other buyers are willing to pay.

                How does that work? Here's a down-and-dirty analogy in which I'll play the role of the flash trader. Imagine if eBay had a rule where you could cancel your bid within 1 second. I put up some stuff on ebay, and you place a bid for it. Then I place a bid that is higher than the current bid to see if that becomes the new highest bid. If it is, I cancel it within milliseconds. Remember, I don't want to buy the product -- I just want to drive the price higher! This is similar to what critics of HFT think is going on; HFT is able to ping prices with bids that exist for only milliseconds to see how much other buyers are willing to pay to squeeze out the maximum profit.

                There's going to be a lot of terminology thrown around when people talk about this, and rightfully so since it is a very technical issue. But the economic ideas are simple, and I want to give you the water cooler guide to thinking through the relevant issues in the debate. When you hear discussion about this going forward, think of how the points made influence these concepts.

                Information Asymmetries

                As you can see from the quick eBay analogy above, being able to see someone else's information, when they can't see yours, makes for terrible markets. Beyond issues of fairness and equity, which are incredibly relevant here, this also leads to an issue of bad prices. The information reflects only part of what you believed about the stock in question; computers took advantage of your situation, but the information that others see as a result of the front-running doesn't reflect what you actually believed. You hear stories about stock prices jumping all kinds of crazy values, with crazy volume numbers and volatility, because of a few stock purchases, and these price movements reflect the HFT. Now remember that the feedback mechanism of stock prices - if you are a Hayekian - is the whole point of having a market. If trading in markets doesn't aggregate information among many diverse parties but instead turns the price mechanism into a roulette wheel played out by supercomputers ransacking your 401(k) - because believe me, your 401(k) is a great target - what's the point? Does that have any more information than the tyrant social planner?


                The strongest claim in favor of HFT is that it is providing liquidity to the financial markets. More liquidity in markets is usually considered to be a good thing, and as such they are being rewarded for providing a service. There's a problem with this though - they have no obligation to provide liquidity. There's no formalized procedure in which they post prices with certain time limits. They, and the HFT practitioners have been very upfront about this, have no obligations when it comes to providing liquidity. And it is very likely that they won't step in when the financial markets need them the most.

                So in this sense, liquidity from HFT is like having an airbag in your car that works all the time except when you are in a car accident. It isn't there when you most need it, and it encourges you to drive a bit faster, and take turns a bit sharper, because you think you are protected. So instead of being a risk management tool everyone is aware of, it is instead misinformation.

                Power of the Market

                Won't markets take care of this by themselves? Remember that there will be brutal competition to get the trades to run faster, hit more stocks and spin more money out of consumers. Even though more players can get into this, that just means there will be more players ripping off the information of other players. The issue isn't that this is concentrated among a few big market players (though that is an issue) but that it is happening to our investments.

                In fact, a worrisome trend is traders who are looking to attack HFT with side moves. There is an influential white paper by Themis Trading called Toxic Equity Trading Order Flow On Wall Street. Themis calls them program traders, and their job is to push prices in such a way that it causes a cascade of computers to start going into motion. Now what is happening? There is no actual change in the fundamentals of the stock in question, but prices are moving dramatically. This hurts the ability to learn real information in the feedback mechanism in prices, which gets us back to the question of what we want prices to do in a market.

                Momentum Effects

                In the UChicago efficient financial markets theory, markets are efficient because, if prices diverge from fundamental values, smart arbitrageurs will always jump in to bring prices back into line. But what if it is more profitable to drive prices further away from fundamental value? This is likely in theory, and for a variety of reasons we believe there are limits to what arbitrage is capable of accomplishing in bringing prices back into line anyway. HFT, instead of bring prices to a fundamental value, brings them to the edge of what a person is willing to pay. This influences other computers, and other traders, who react accordingly. I've spoken to a few quants, and I agree with their assessment that HFT can exacerbate momentum effects. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise, but on the first approximation instead of converging prices to a fundamental value, it seems likely that these computers are actually driving them away, and away in such a way where much of cutting-edge finance theory thinks there is a big weak spot in how financial markets work to correct bad prices.

                Hasn't It Always Been This Way?

                It is very reasonable to ask "Isn't this same as it ever was, plus computers?" This is very similar to what specialists used to be able to do with the similar "the look" (peeking at someone's information) before the NYSE cracked down on them. In those cases though, "the look" was approximations, not the highly organized front-running of limit prices down to the penny. And the specialists were legally required to provide liquidity in specific ways. They were providing a public good, liquidity in financial markets, and were perhaps getting rewarded too well for it. The HFT in this case don't have the requirements; they can pull their liquidity from the market at any time, and they'll pull it at exactly the moment we need it the most.

                So as the debate unfolds, remember to ask yourself, (1) whose information is being exploited by whom and how, (2) does this make financial markets stronger and more efficient - say by providing liquidity - during a downturn when markets need them the most, and (3) what is this doing to the price mechanism - is it helping prices converge to fundamental values or driving them further away? The evidence currently looks like HFT is doing bad things on all three accounts.


                • #9

                  BIG DOG >>


                  • #10
                    Merci Borgia


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        De nos jours la technologie des robots est toujours en croissance , il y'a plusieurs catégories de robots , parmi eux ceux qui detectent la présence de l'homme .

                        Cet engin que vous aller voir tout de suite sur la photo nomé TiaLinx Cougar20-H , a une capacité stupéfiante de detecter votre présence meme si vous etes dans un bâtiment derrière un mur en béton ; à l'aide d'un capteur spécial (capteur radio-fréquences ) ce Robot espion est capable de tecter des biorythmes .


                        • #13
                          Robot humanoïde qui sait tout faire


                          • #14
                            En gros c'est un peu moins chère qu'une twingo

                            5,500 € le robot

                            Roxxxy costs between $US7000 ($7634) and $US9000 depending on features.

                            LAS VEGAS: Roxxxy the sex robot had a coming-out party in Sin City at the weekend.

                            In what is billed as a world first, a life-size robotic girlfriend complete with artificial intelligence and flesh-like synthetic skin was introduced to adoring fans at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas on Saturday.

                            ''She can't vacuum, she can't cook, but she can do almost anything else if you know what I mean,'' said her inventor, Douglas Hines, of the company TrueCompanion.
                            Advertisement: Story continues below

                            ''She's a companion. She has a personality. She hears you. She listens to you. She speaks. She feels your touch. She goes to sleep. We are trying to replicate a personality of a person.''

                            At 170-centimetres tall and 54.43 kilograms, Roxxxy ''has a full C cup and is ready for action'', said Hines, who was an artificial intelligence engineer at Bell Laboratories before he started up TrueCompanion.

                            The anatomically correct robot has an articulated skeleton, which means it can move like a person even though it cannot walk or move its limbs independently.

                            Robotic movement is built into ''the three inputs'' and a mechanical heart that powers a liquid cooling system.

                            Roxxxy comes with five personalities. Wild Wendy is outgoing and adventurous. Frigid Farrah is reserved and shy. There is a young and naive personality and a Mature Martha that Hines describes as having a ''matriarchal kind of caring''. S&M Susan is geared for more adventurous types.

                            Aspiring partners can customise such features as race, hair colour and breast size. A male sex robot named Rocky is in development.

                            People ordering the robots online at detail their tastes and interests to get the mechanical girlfriend in synch with her mate.

                            ''She knows exactly what you like,'' says Hines. ''If you like Porsches, she likes Porsches. If you like soccer, she likes soccer.'' Roxxxy can chat with her flesh-and-blood mate, and touching her elicits a variety of comments.

                            Inspiration for the sex robot sprang from the September 11, 2001 attacks. ''I had a friend who passed away in 9/11,'' Hines said. ''I promised myself I would create a program to store his personality, and that became the foundation for Roxxxy True Companion.''

                            Hines sees the robot as a recreational innovation and an outlet for the shy, people with sexual dysfunction and those who want to experiment without risk.

                            Roxxxy costs between $US7000 ($7634) and $US9000 depending on features.

                            Agence France-Presse

                            Read more:


                            • #15
                              While President Obama Ponders August 2 Debt-Ceiling Deadline, Speed Traders Look at August 4 for Chicago High-Frequency Trading Conference

                              August 1, 2011 | Author: Golden Networking | Posted in Business Events

                              While President Obama ponders the August 2 deadline of raising the debt ceiling, speed traders, quants and investors are set to take advantage by August 4 of the Early Bird Registration for High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Chicago, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World", October 3-5, ( Practitioners and members of the high-frequency trading community are encouraged to take advantage of the reduced pricing, 20% OFF; in addition, Golden Networking is offering discounts for groups of 3 or more, which represent 40% OFF general registration pricing.

                              The list of leaders of the industry who will be speaking at High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 includes lunch keynote speaker Bart Chilton, Commissioner, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and:

                              • Mr. Aaron Lebovitz, Managing Director, Infinium Capital Management
                              • Mr. Adam Afshar, Chief Executive Officer and President, Hyde Park Global
                              • Dr. Andrew Kumiega, Adjunct Professor, University of Chicago
                              • Dr. Christian Zimmer, Head for Quantitative Portfolio Management and Research, Itaú Unibanco's Asset Management
                              • Mr. Christopher Willox, Director of Trading, Fenimore Asset Management
                              • Mr. Edgar Perez, Author, The Speed Traders
                              • Dr. Euan Sinclair, Risk Manager, Bluefin Trading
                              • Mr. James Austin, President, Vertex Analytics
                              • Mr. James Leman, Principal and Capital Markets Head, Westwater Corp.
                              • Mr. Jitesh Thakkar, Founder and President, Edge Financial Technologies
                              • Dr. Jonathan Brogaard, Professor, University of Washington's Foster School of Business
                              • Mr. Jonathan Kanterman, leading consultant to hedge funds
                              • Mr. Jonathan Kinlay, Founder and CEO, Systematic Strategies LLC
                              • Mr. Ken Kinkopf, Founder and President, Kinkopf Capital Management, LLC
                              • Mr. Louis Mak, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, I-Access Group
                              • Mr. Marvin Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Quaternion Capital Management
                              • Mr. Mike Bellafiore, Co-Founder, SMB Capital
                              • Mr. Milind Sharma, Chief Executive Officer, QuantZ Capital Management
                              • Mr. Morgan Hill, Founding Partner, Attis Capital LLC
                              • Mr. Nathaniel Baker, Editor, Bloomberg Hedge Funds Brief, Bloomberg LP
                              • Dr. Petter Kolm, Clinical Associate Professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
                              • Mr. Will Mechem, Managing Director, Pan Alpha Trading
                              • Mr. William Kenney, President, Knox Capital Management

                              High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Chicago will provide hundreds of practitioners the most up-to-date overview of cutting-edge developments and insights to build a competitive advantage in high-frequency trading. Recognized practitioners, experts, regulators, and strategists, will come to High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 to provide the information practitioners are looking for in an open and unbiased environment, highly conducive to the most efficient and effective networking, covering the most relevant issues:

                              • One Year after the Flash Crash: Lessons Learned
                              • Profitably Running a High-Frequency Trading Operation in 2011 and Beyond
                              • Technology Infrastructure to Enable Ultra High-Frequency Trading
                              • High Frequency Trading Regulatory Overview in U.S., Europe and Asia
                              • Avoiding High Frequency Trading Landmines in Emerging Markets and Asset Classes
                              • The Future and Challenges of High-Frequency Trading

                              High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Chicago is produced by Golden Networking (, the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs and investors. Upcoming Golden Networking's Forums and Business Receptions include:

                              • High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour New York (, August 9th, New York City
                              • High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Chicago (, August 23rd, Chicago
                              • High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Hong Kong (, August 25th, Hong Kong
                              • High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Singapore (, August 25th, Singapore
                              • High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Hong Kong , "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (, September, 19-21, Hong Kong
                              • High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Chicago, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (, October 3-5, Chicago
                              • High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Sao Paulo, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (, October 24-26, Sao Paulo, Brazil
                              • High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Singapore, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (, November 13-15, Singapore
                              Golden Networking has compiled the insights of top experts and industry practitioners and produced DVD Video Packages for its Leaders and Experts Forums, including:
                              • High-Frequency Trading Experts Workshop DVD Video Package, "Practical Implementation of High-Frequency Trading Strategies",
                              • High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 DVD Video Package, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World",
                              • 2nd China Leaders Forum DVD Video Package, "Is the Chinese Dragon Poised for Global Dominance or Economic Implosion?",
                              • Distressed Investing Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Analyzing and Valuing Distressed Companies, Securities and Real Estate",
                              • Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Strategies for Increasing Profits under an Evolving Regulatory Framework",
                              • High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Innovating and Profiting from High-Frequency Trading in 2010 and Beyond",
                              • High-Frequency Trading Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Starting and Running a High-Frequency Trading Operation",
                              • Hedge Funds Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Generating Alpha in Challenging Times",
                              • Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Extraordinary Opportunities Investors Cannot Afford to Pass",
                              • China Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "Addressing the Challenges Posed by the Present Wave of Chinese Globalization",
                              • Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "The Most Comprehensive Guide for Any Investor in Distressed Assets",

                              Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to Golden Networking has been frequently featured in the press, including recent articles in The Wall Street Journal, "Happy Hour for High-Frequency Trading", The New York Times, "Golden Networking Helps Job Seekers Make Overseas Connections", Los Angeles Times, "Speed-addicted traders dominate today's stock market", Reuters, "Revamp looms as trading experts huddle at SEC" and Columbia Business School's Hermes Alumni Magazine, "10 Under 10".

