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    Je suis a la recherche de ces codes pour NT

  • #2
    Bonsoir Sergi,

    Donne moi ton mail, je t'envoie les codes du STPMT et du repulse prêts à être importés dans Ninjatrader.



    • #3


      • #4

        STPMT :


        #region Using declarations
        using System;
        using System.ComponentModel;
        using System.Diagnostics;
        using System.Drawing;
        using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
        using System.Xml.Serialization;
        using NinjaTrader.Cbi;
        using NinjaTrader.Data;
        using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;

        // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        [Description("Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort")]
        public class STPMT : Indicator
        #region Variables
        // Wizard generated variables
        private int periodM = 9; // Default setting for PeriodM (Periode de la Moyenne mobile simple de la STPMT)
        // User defined variables (add any user defined variables below)
        private DataSeries K1;
        private DataSeries K2;
        private DataSeries K3;
        private DataSeries K4;
        private DataSeries nom1;
        private DataSeries nom2;
        private DataSeries nom3;
        private DataSeries nom4;
        private DataSeries den1;
        private DataSeries den2;
        private DataSeries den3;
        private DataSeries den4;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to configure the indicator and is called once before any bar data is loaded.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
        Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Blue, 2), "Stpmt"));
        Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Red, 2), "MM9_Stpmt"));
        Add(new Plot(Color.Green, PlotStyle.Line, "Stoch1"));
        Add(new Plot(Color.Orange, PlotStyle.Line, "Stoch2"));
        Add(new Plot(Color.Magenta, PlotStyle.Line, "Stoch3"));
        Add(new Plot(Color.DarkViolet, PlotStyle.Line, "Stoch4"));
        Add(new Line(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Gray), 50, "Ligne50"));
        Add(new Line(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Gray), 80, "Ligne80"));
        Add(new Line(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Gray), 20, "Ligne20"));

        CalculateOnBarClose = false;
        Overlay = false;
        PriceTypeSupported = false;
        AutoScale = true;

        K1 = new DataSeries(this);
        K2 = new DataSeries(this);
        K3 = new DataSeries(this);
        K4 = new DataSeries(this);
        den1 = new DataSeries(this);
        den2 = new DataSeries(this);
        den3 = new DataSeries(this);
        den4 = new DataSeries(this);
        nom1 = new DataSeries(this);
        nom2 = new DataSeries(this);
        nom3 = new DataSeries(this);
        nom4 = new DataSeries(this);

        /// <summary>
        /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
        // Calcule le Stochastique (5,3)
        nom1.Set(Close[0] - MIN(Low, 5)[0]);
        den1.Set(MAX(High, 5)[0] - MIN(Low, 5)[0]);
        K1.Set(100 * nom1[0] / (den1[0] == 0 ? 1.0 : den1[0]));
        Stoch1.Set(SMA(K1, 3)[0]);

        // Calcule le Stochastique (14,3)
        nom2.Set(Close[0] - MIN(Low, 14)[0]);
        den2.Set(MAX(High, 14)[0] - MIN(Low, 14)[0]);
        K2.Set(100 * nom2[0] / (den2[0] == 0 ? 1.0 : den2[0]));
        Stoch2.Set(SMA(K2, 3)[0]);

        // Calcule le Stochastique (45,14)
        nom3.Set(Close[0] - MIN(Low, 45)[0]);
        den3.Set(MAX(High, 45)[0] - MIN(Low, 45)[0]);
        K3.Set(100 * nom3[0] / (den3[0] == 0 ? 1.0 : den3[0]));
        Stoch3.Set(SMA(K3, 14)[0]);

        // Calcule le Stochastique (75,20)
        nom4.Set(Close[0] - MIN(Low, 75)[0]);
        den4.Set(MAX(High, 75)[0] - MIN(Low, 75)[0]);
        K4.Set(100 * nom4[0] / (den4[0] == 0 ? 1.0 : den4[0]));
        Stoch4.Set(SMA(K4, 20)[0]);

        // Calcule l'indicateur STPMT (formule d'E.Lefort)


        // Calcule la moyenne mobile simple 9 périodes du STPMT


        #region Properties
        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Stpmt
        get { return Values[0]; }

        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries MM9_Stpmt
        get { return Values[1]; }

        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Stoch1
        get { return Values[2]; }

        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Stoch2
        get { return Values[3]; }

        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Stoch3
        get { return Values[4]; }

        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Stoch4
        get { return Values[5]; }

        [Description("Periode de la moyenne mobile de la STPMT")]
        public int PeriodM
        get { return periodM; }
        set { periodM = Math.Max(1, value); }

        #region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove.
        // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
        public partial class Indicator : IndicatorBase
        private STPMT[] cacheSTPMT = null;

        private static STPMT checkSTPMT = new STPMT();

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public STPMT STPMT(int periodM)
        return STPMT(Input, periodM);

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public STPMT STPMT(Data.IDataSeries input, int periodM)
        checkSTPMT.PeriodM = periodM;
        periodM = checkSTPMT.PeriodM;

        if (cacheSTPMT != null)
        for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheSTPMT.Length; idx++)
        if (cacheSTPMT[idx].PeriodM == periodM && cacheSTPMT[idx].EqualsInput(input))
        return cacheSTPMT[idx];

        STPMT indicator = new STPMT();
        indicator.BarsRequired = BarsRequired;
        indicator.CalculateOnBarClose = CalculateOnBarClose;
        indicator.Input = input;
        indicator.PeriodM = periodM;

        STPMT[] tmp = new STPMT[cacheSTPMT == null ? 1 : cacheSTPMT.Length + 1];
        if (cacheSTPMT != null)
        cacheSTPMT.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
        tmp[tmp.Length - 1] = indicator;
        cacheSTPMT = tmp;

        return indicator;


        // This namespace holds all market analyzer column definitions and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.MarketAnalyzer
        public partial class Column : ColumnBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.STPMT STPMT(int periodM)
        return _indicator.STPMT(Input, periodM);

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.STPMT STPMT(Data.IDataSeries input, int periodM)
        return _indicator.STPMT(input, periodM);


        // This namespace holds all strategies and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.Strategy
        public partial class Strategy : StrategyBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.STPMT STPMT(int periodM)
        return _indicator.STPMT(Input, periodM);

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur STPMT d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.STPMT STPMT(Data.IDataSeries input, int periodM)
        if (InInitialize && input == null)
        throw new ArgumentException("You only can access an indicator with the default input/bar series from within the 'Initialize()' method");

        return _indicator.STPMT(input, periodM);



        Repulse :


        #region Using declarations
        using System;
        using System.ComponentModel;
        using System.Diagnostics;
        using System.Drawing;
        using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
        using System.Xml.Serialization;
        using NinjaTrader.Cbi;
        using NinjaTrader.Data;
        using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;

        // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
        /// <summary>
        /// Enter the description of your new custom indicator here
        /// </summary>
        [Description("Indicateur Repulse d'E.Lefort")]
        public class Repulse : Indicator
        #region Variables
        // Wizard generated variables
        private int period1 = 1; // Default setting for Period1
        private int period2 = 5; // Default setting for Period2
        private int period3 = 15; // Default setting for Period3
        // User defined variables (add any user defined variables below)
        private DataSeries bullishthrust1;
        private DataSeries bullishthrust2;
        private DataSeries bullishthrust3;
        private DataSeries bearishthrust1;
        private DataSeries bearishthrust2;
        private DataSeries bearishthrust3;


        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to configure the indicator and is called once before any bar data is loaded.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
        Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Red), PlotStyle.Line, "Repulse1"));
        Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Blue), PlotStyle.Line, "Repulse2"));
        Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Orange), PlotStyle.Line, "Repulse3"));
        Add(new Line(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Black), 0, "Zeroline"));
        CalculateOnBarClose = false;
        Overlay = false;
        PriceTypeSupported = false;

        bullishthrust1 = new DataSeries(this);
        bullishthrust2 = new DataSeries(this);
        bullishthrust3 = new DataSeries(this);
        bearishthrust1 = new DataSeries(this);
        bearishthrust2 = new DataSeries(this);
        bearishthrust3 = new DataSeries(this);


        /// <summary>
        /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
        { if (CurrentBar<15)
        int p1=5*period1;
        int p2=5*period2;
        int p3=5*period3;
        double myHigh1=MAX(High,period1)[0];
        double myHigh2=MAX(High,period2)[0];
        double myHigh3=MAX(High,period3)[0];
        double myLow1=MIN(Low,period1)[0];
        double myLow2=MIN(Low,period2)[0];
        double myLow3=MIN(Low,period3)[0];

        double mm1=EMA(bullishthrust1,p1)[0];
        double mm2=EMA(bullishthrust2,p2)[0];
        double mm3=EMA(bullishthrust3,p3)[0];
        double mb1=EMA(bearishthrust1,p1)[0];
        double mb2=EMA(bearishthrust2,p2)[0];
        double mb3=EMA(bearishthrust3,p3)[0];

        // Use this method for calculating your indicator values. Assign a value to each
        // plot below by replacing 'Close[0]' with your own formula.

        #region Properties
        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Repulse1
        get { return Values[0]; }

        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Repulse2
        get { return Values[1]; }

        [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
        [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
        public DataSeries Repulse3
        get { return Values[2]; }

        public int Period1
        get { return period1; }
        set { period1 = Math.Max(1, value); }

        public int Period2
        get { return period2; }
        set { period2 = Math.Max(1, value); }

        public int Period3
        get { return period3; }
        set { period3 = Math.Max(1, value); }

        #region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove.
        // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
        public partial class Indicator : IndicatorBase
        private Repulse[] cacheRepulse = null;

        private static Repulse checkRepulse = new Repulse();

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur Repulse d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Repulse Repulse(int period1, int period2, int period3)
        return Repulse(Input, period1, period2, period3);

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur Repulse d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Repulse Repulse(Data.IDataSeries input, int period1, int period2, int period3)
        checkRepulse.Period1 = period1;
        period1 = checkRepulse.Period1;
        checkRepulse.Period2 = period2;
        period2 = checkRepulse.Period2;
        checkRepulse.Period3 = period3;
        period3 = checkRepulse.Period3;

        if (cacheRepulse != null)
        for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheRepulse.Length; idx++)
        if (cacheRepulse[idx].Period1 == period1 && cacheRepulse[idx].Period2 == period2 && cacheRepulse[idx].Period3 == period3 && cacheRepulse[idx].EqualsInput(input))
        return cacheRepulse[idx];

        Repulse indicator = new Repulse();
        indicator.BarsRequired = BarsRequired;
        indicator.CalculateOnBarClose = CalculateOnBarClose;
        indicator.Input = input;
        indicator.Period1 = period1;
        indicator.Period2 = period2;
        indicator.Period3 = period3;

        Repulse[] tmp = new Repulse[cacheRepulse == null ? 1 : cacheRepulse.Length + 1];
        if (cacheRepulse != null)
        cacheRepulse.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
        tmp[tmp.Length - 1] = indicator;
        cacheRepulse = tmp;

        return indicator;


        // This namespace holds all market analyzer column definitions and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.MarketAnalyzer
        public partial class Column : ColumnBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur Repulse d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.Repulse Repulse(int period1, int period2, int period3)
        return _indicator.Repulse(Input, period1, period2, period3);

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur Repulse d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.Repulse Repulse(Data.IDataSeries input, int period1, int period2, int period3)
        return _indicator.Repulse(input, period1, period2, period3);


        // This namespace holds all strategies and is required. Do not change it.
        namespace NinjaTrader.Strategy
        public partial class Strategy : StrategyBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur Repulse d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.Repulse Repulse(int period1, int period2, int period3)
        return _indicator.Repulse(Input, period1, period2, period3);

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicateur Repulse d'E.Lefort
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.Repulse Repulse(Data.IDataSeries input, int period1, int period2, int period3)
        if (InInitialize && input == null)
        throw new ArgumentException("You only can access an indicator with the default input/bar series from within the 'Initialize()' method");

        return _indicator.Repulse(input, period1, period2, period3);




        • #5

          Ci-après, vous trouverez le code pour la MACD JL (marche pour NT6.5 et NT7)
          <center><img src='' alt='' /></center>


          • #6

            <font color='#056001'>//
            // Copyright (C) 2006, NinjaTrader LLC <>.
            // NinjaTrader reserves the right to modify or overwrite this NinjaScript component with each release.

            #region Using declarations
            using System;
            using System.Diagnostics;
            using System.Drawing;
            using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
            using System.ComponentModel;
            using System.Xml.Serialization;
            using NinjaTrader.Data;
            using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;

            // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
            namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
            /// <summary>
            /// The MACDJL (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) is a trend following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of prices.
            /// </summary>
            [Description("MACD + MACD ZeroLag parametrées à la Johnlee.")]
            public class MACDJL : Indicator
            #region Variables
            private int fast = 9;
            private int slow = 19;
            private int smooth = 6;
            private double coeffBoll= 1.4;
            private DataSeries fastEma;
            private DataSeries slowEma;
            private DataSeries fastEmaZL;
            private DataSeries slowEmaZL;
            private DataSeries smoothEmaZL;
            private DataSeries ddsmoothEmaZL;
            // Pour les bollinger Min
            DataSeries minUp;
            DataSeries minDown;
            // Pour les zones à dessiner
            private int beginUp=-1;
            private int beginDown=-1;
            private int beginUpZL=-1;
            private int beginDownZL=-1;
            private int[] suite;
            private int isOut=0;
            private const int MAXOUT=40;


            /// <summary>
            /// This method is used to configure the indicator and is called once before any bar data is loaded.
            /// </summary>
            protected override void Initialize()
            Add(new Plot(Color.MidnightBlue,PlotStyle.Dot, "MACD"));
            Add(new Plot(Color.DarkViolet, "Avg"));

            Add(new Plot(Color.LightSkyBlue, "MACDZL"));
            Add(new Plot(Color.Orange, "AvgZL"));

            Add(new Line(Color.DarkGray, 0, "Zero line"));

            fastEma = new DataSeries(this);
            slowEma = new DataSeries(this);
            fastEmaZL = new DataSeries(this);
            slowEmaZL = new DataSeries(this);
            smoothEmaZL = new DataSeries(this);
            ddsmoothEmaZL = new DataSeries(this);
            minDown = new DataSeries(this);
            minUp = new DataSeries(this);
            suite = new int[MAXOUT];
            DrawOnPricePanel = false;
            CalculateOnBarClose = true;
            PriceTypeSupported = true;
            PaintPriceMarkers = false;
            protected void DrawBollingers(string name,IDataSeries data,double numStdDev,
            int period,int periodMAX,Color c,int opacity){

            if(periodMAX == 0 ) {
            } else {
            double currSMA=SMA(data,period)[0];
            double currMIN=MIN(StdDev(data,period),periodMAX)[0];
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculates the indicator value(s) at the current index.
            /// </summary>
            protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBar == 0)

            double cMACDJL;
            double cMACDJLAvg;
            int summitBar;

            // Le code est optimisé pour éviter des recalculs des EMA et DEMA

            // Calcul de la MACD
            fastEma.Set((2.0 / (1 + Fast)) * Input[0] + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Fast))) * fastEma[1]);
            slowEma.Set((2.0 / (1 + Slow)) * Input[0] + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Slow))) * slowEma[1]);

            cMACDJL = fastEma[0] - slowEma[0];
            cMACDJLAvg = (2.0 / (1 + Smooth)) * cMACDJL + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Smooth))) * Avg[1];


            // On recopie l'ancien sommet
            if(cMACDJL < cMACDJLAvg ) {

            } else {

            // Calcul de la MACDZL
            fastEmaZL.Set((2.0 / (1 + Fast)) * fastEma[0] + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Fast))) * fastEmaZL[1]);
            slowEmaZL.Set((2.0 / (1 + Slow)) * slowEma[0] + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Slow))) * slowEmaZL[1]);

            cMACDJL = (2*fastEma[0]-fastEmaZL[0]) - (2*slowEma[0]-slowEmaZL[0]);
            smoothEmaZL.Set((2.0 / (1 + Smooth)) * cMACDJL + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Smooth))) * smoothEmaZL[1]);
            ddsmoothEmaZL.Set((2.0 / (1 + Smooth)) * smoothEmaZL[0] + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Smooth))) * ddsmoothEmaZL[1]);


            if(cMACDJL < cMACDJLAvg ) {
            } else {


            #region Properties
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public DataSeries MACD
            get { return Values[0]; }

            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>

            public DataSeries Avg
            get { return Values[1]; }

            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public DataSeries MACDZL
            get { return Values[2]; }
            public DataSeries AvgZL
            get { return Values[3]; }
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            [Description("Number of bars for fast EMA")]
            public int Fast
            get { return fast; }
            set { fast = Math.Max(1, value); }

            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            [Description("Number of bars for slow EMA")]
            public int Slow
            get { return slow; }
            set { slow = Math.Max(1, value); }

            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            [Description("Number of bars for smoothing")]
            public int Smooth
            get { return smooth; }
            set { smooth = Math.Max(1, value); }
            [Description("MACD Bollinger coefficient")]
            public double CoeffBoll
            get { return coeffBoll; }
            set { coeffBoll = Math.Max(0.1, value); }

            #region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove.
            // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
            namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
            public partial class Indicator : IndicatorBase
            private MACDJL[] cacheMACDJL = null;

            private static MACDJL checkMACDJL = new MACDJL();

            /// <summary>
            /// MACD + MACD ZeroLag parametrées à la Johnlee.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public MACDJL MACDJL(double coeffBoll, int fast, int slow, int smooth)
            return MACDJL(Input, coeffBoll, fast, slow, smooth);

            /// <summary>
            /// MACD + MACD ZeroLag parametrées à la Johnlee.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public MACDJL MACDJL(Data.IDataSeries input, double coeffBoll, int fast, int slow, int smooth)
            checkMACDJL.CoeffBoll = coeffBoll;
            coeffBoll = checkMACDJL.CoeffBoll;
            checkMACDJL.Fast = fast;
            fast = checkMACDJL.Fast;
            checkMACDJL.Slow = slow;
            slow = checkMACDJL.Slow;
            checkMACDJL.Smooth = smooth;
            smooth = checkMACDJL.Smooth;

            if (cacheMACDJL != null)
            for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheMACDJL.Length; idx++)
            if (Math.Abs(cacheMACDJL[idx].CoeffBoll - coeffBoll) <= double.Epsilon && cacheMACDJL[idx].Fast == fast && cacheMACDJL[idx].Slow == slow && cacheMACDJL[idx].Smooth == smooth && cacheMACDJL[idx].EqualsInput(input))
            return cacheMACDJL[idx];

            MACDJL indicator = new MACDJL();
            indicator.BarsRequired = BarsRequired;
            indicator.CalculateOnBarClose = CalculateOnBarClose;
            indicator.Input = input;
            indicator.CoeffBoll = coeffBoll;
            indicator.Fast = fast;
            indicator.Slow = slow;
            indicator.Smooth = smooth;

            MACDJL[] tmp = new MACDJL[cacheMACDJL == null ? 1 : cacheMACDJL.Length + 1];
            if (cacheMACDJL != null)
            cacheMACDJL.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
            tmp[tmp.Length - 1] = indicator;
            cacheMACDJL = tmp;

            return indicator;


            // This namespace holds all market analyzer column definitions and is required. Do not change it.
            namespace NinjaTrader.MarketAnalyzer
            public partial class Column : ColumnBase
            /// <summary>
            /// MACD + MACD ZeroLag parametrées à la Johnlee.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public Indicator.MACDJL MACDJL(double coeffBoll, int fast, int slow, int smooth)
            return _indicator.MACDJL(Input, coeffBoll, fast, slow, smooth);

            /// <summary>
            /// MACD + MACD ZeroLag parametrées à la Johnlee.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public Indicator.MACDJL MACDJL(Data.IDataSeries input, double coeffBoll, int fast, int slow, int smooth)
            return _indicator.MACDJL(input, coeffBoll, fast, slow, smooth);


            // This namespace holds all strategies and is required. Do not change it.
            namespace NinjaTrader.Strategy
            public partial class Strategy : StrategyBase
            /// <summary>
            /// MACD + MACD ZeroLag parametrées à la Johnlee.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public Indicator.MACDJL MACDJL(double coeffBoll, int fast, int slow, int smooth)
            return _indicator.MACDJL(Input, coeffBoll, fast, slow, smooth);

            /// <summary>
            /// MACD + MACD ZeroLag parametrées à la Johnlee.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public Indicator.MACDJL MACDJL(Data.IDataSeries input, double coeffBoll, int fast, int slow, int smooth)
            if (InInitialize && input == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("You only can access an indicator with the default input/bar series from within the 'Initialize()' method");

            return _indicator.MACDJL(input, coeffBoll, fast, slow, smooth);



            • #7

              <font color='#056001'>#region Using declarations
              using System;
              using System.ComponentModel;
              using System.Diagnostics;
              using System.Drawing;
              using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
              using System.Xml.Serialization;
              using NinjaTrader.Cbi;
              using NinjaTrader.Data;
              using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;

              // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
              namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
              /// <summary>
              /// Donne les Squeez MACD
              /// </summary>
              [Description("Donne les Squeez MACD")]
              public class SqueezMACD : Indicator
              #region Variables
              // Wizard generated variables
              private int fast = 9;
              private int slow = 19;
              private int smooth = 6;
              private double coeffBoll = 1.400; // Default setting for CoeffBoll
              private int periodMAX = 70; // Default setting for PeriodMAX
              private double pcSqueez = 0.300; // Default setting for pcSqueez
              // User defined variables (add any user defined variables below)
              private DataSeries fastEma;
              private DataSeries slowEma;
              private DataSeries MACD;
              private DataSeries stdDevMACD;
              private DataSeries SqueezUp;
              private DataSeries SqueezDown;
              private int beginSq=0;
              private int beginAcc=0;

              /// <summary>
              /// This method is used to configure the indicator and is called once before any bar data is loaded.
              /// </summary>
              protected override void Initialize()
              Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Green), PlotStyle.Bar, "AccelerationUp"));
              Plots[0].Pen.Width =3;
              Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Red), PlotStyle.Bar, "AccelerationDown"));
              Plots[1].Pen.Width =3;
              Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.DarkViolet), PlotStyle.Bar, "SortieUp"));
              Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Firebrick), PlotStyle.Bar, "SortieDown"));
              Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.LightGray), PlotStyle.Line, "DelimUp"));
              Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.LightGray), PlotStyle.Line, "DelimDown"));
              Add(new Plot(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Black), PlotStyle.Line, "Phase"));
              Add(new Line(Color.DarkGray, 0, "Zero line"));
              fastEma = new DataSeries(this);
              slowEma = new DataSeries(this);
              MACD = new DataSeries(this);
              stdDevMACD = new DataSeries(this);
              SqueezUp = new DataSeries(this);
              SqueezDown = new DataSeries(this);

              DrawOnPricePanel = false;
              CalculateOnBarClose = false;
              Overlay = false;
              PriceTypeSupported = true;


              /// <summary>
              /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
              /// </summary>
              protected override void OnBarUpdate()
              // Use this method for calculating your indicator values. Assign a value to each
              // plot below by replacing 'Close[0]' with your own formula.
              if (CurrentBar == 0) {

              // Calcul de la MACD
              fastEma.Set((2.0 / (1 + Fast)) * Input[0] + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Fast))) * fastEma[1]);
              slowEma.Set((2.0 / (1 + Slow)) * Input[0] + (1 - (2.0 / (1 + Slow))) * slowEma[1]);
              MACD.Set(fastEma[0] - slowEma[0]);
              /*if ( CurrentBar <= 100 ) {
              Print(CurrentBar+" sM : "+stdDevMACD[0].ToString("F2")+" mM: "+(MIN(stdDevMACD,periodMAX)[0]*(1.0+pcSqueez)).ToString("F2"));
              if(stdDevMACD[0] <= MIN(stdDevMACD,periodMAX)[0]*(1.0+pcSqueez)) {
              //Print(CurrentBar+" bsQ : "+beginSq);
              if(beginSq == 0 ) {
              // On colorie toute la zone
              beginSq = CurrentBar;
              } else {
              if(beginSq != 0 ) {
              beginSq = 0;
              if ( MACD[0] >= SMA(MACD,20)[0] + 1.4*stdDevMACD[0] ) {
              } else if ( MACD[0] <= SMA(MACD,20)[0] - 1.4*stdDevMACD[0] ) {
              for(int x=Math.Min(CurrentBar,5);x>=0;x--) {


              #region Properties
              [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
              [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
              public DataSeries AccelerationUp
              get { return Values[0]; }

              [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
              [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
              public DataSeries AccelerationDown
              get { return Values[1]; }

              [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
              [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
              public DataSeries SortieUp
              get { return Values[2]; }

              [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
              [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
              public DataSeries SortieDown
              get { return Values[3]; }
              [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
              [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
              public DataSeries DelimUp
              get { return Values[4]; }
              [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
              [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
              public DataSeries DelimDown
              get { return Values[5]; }
              [Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
              [XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
              public DataSeries Phase
              get { return Values[6]; }
              [Description("Number of bars for fast EMA")]
              public int Fast
              get { return fast; }
              set { fast = Math.Max(1, value); }

              /// <summary>
              /// </summary>
              [Description("Number of bars for slow EMA")]
              public int Slow
              get { return slow; }
              set { slow = Math.Max(1, value); }

              /// <summary>
              /// </summary>
              [Description("Number of bars for smoothing")]
              public int Smooth
              get { return smooth; }
              set { smooth = Math.Max(1, value); }
              [Description("Coefficient des Bollingers")]
              public double CoeffBoll
              get { return coeffBoll; }
              set { coeffBoll = Math.Max(0.100, value); }

              [Description("Nombre de période maximum")]
              public int PeriodMAX
              get { return periodMAX; }
              set { periodMAX = Math.Max(1, value); }

              [Description("Pourcentage détection squeez")]
              public double PcSqueez
              get { return pcSqueez; }
              set { pcSqueez = Math.Max(0.00, value); }

              #region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove.
              // This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
              namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
              public partial class Indicator : IndicatorBase
              private SqueezMACD[] cacheSqueezMACD = null;

              private static SqueezMACD checkSqueezMACD = new SqueezMACD();

              /// <summary>
              /// Donne les Squeez MACD
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns></returns>
              public SqueezMACD SqueezMACD(double coeffBoll, int fast, double pcSqueez, int periodMAX, int slow, int smooth)
              return SqueezMACD(Input, coeffBoll, fast, pcSqueez, periodMAX, slow, smooth);

              /// <summary>
              /// Donne les Squeez MACD
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns></returns>
              public SqueezMACD SqueezMACD(Data.IDataSeries input, double coeffBoll, int fast, double pcSqueez, int periodMAX, int slow, int smooth)
              checkSqueezMACD.CoeffBoll = coeffBoll;
              coeffBoll = checkSqueezMACD.CoeffBoll;
              checkSqueezMACD.Fast = fast;
              fast = checkSqueezMACD.Fast;
              checkSqueezMACD.PcSqueez = pcSqueez;
              pcSqueez = checkSqueezMACD.PcSqueez;
              checkSqueezMACD.PeriodMAX = periodMAX;
              periodMAX = checkSqueezMACD.PeriodMAX;
              checkSqueezMACD.Slow = slow;
              slow = checkSqueezMACD.Slow;
              checkSqueezMACD.Smooth = smooth;
              smooth = checkSqueezMACD.Smooth;

              if (cacheSqueezMACD != null)
              for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheSqueezMACD.Length; idx++)
              if (Math.Abs(cacheSqueezMACD[idx].CoeffBoll - coeffBoll) <= double.Epsilon && cacheSqueezMACD[idx].Fast == fast && Math.Abs(cacheSqueezMACD[idx].PcSqueez - pcSqueez) <= double.Epsilon && cacheSqueezMACD[idx].PeriodMAX == periodMAX && cacheSqueezMACD[idx].Slow == slow && cacheSqueezMACD[idx].Smooth == smooth && cacheSqueezMACD[idx].EqualsInput(input))
              return cacheSqueezMACD[idx];

              SqueezMACD indicator = new SqueezMACD();
              indicator.BarsRequired = BarsRequired;
              indicator.CalculateOnBarClose = CalculateOnBarClose;
              indicator.Input = input;
              indicator.CoeffBoll = coeffBoll;
              indicator.Fast = fast;
              indicator.PcSqueez = pcSqueez;
              indicator.PeriodMAX = periodMAX;
              indicator.Slow = slow;
              indicator.Smooth = smooth;

              SqueezMACD[] tmp = new SqueezMACD[cacheSqueezMACD == null ? 1 : cacheSqueezMACD.Length + 1];
              if (cacheSqueezMACD != null)
              cacheSqueezMACD.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
              tmp[tmp.Length - 1] = indicator;
              cacheSqueezMACD = tmp;

              return indicator;


              // This namespace holds all market analyzer column definitions and is required. Do not change it.
              namespace NinjaTrader.MarketAnalyzer
              public partial class Column : ColumnBase
              /// <summary>
              /// Donne les Squeez MACD
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns></returns>
              public Indicator.SqueezMACD SqueezMACD(double coeffBoll, int fast, double pcSqueez, int periodMAX, int slow, int smooth)
              return _indicator.SqueezMACD(Input, coeffBoll, fast, pcSqueez, periodMAX, slow, smooth);

              /// <summary>
              /// Donne les Squeez MACD
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns></returns>
              public Indicator.SqueezMACD SqueezMACD(Data.IDataSeries input, double coeffBoll, int fast, double pcSqueez, int periodMAX, int slow, int smooth)
              return _indicator.SqueezMACD(input, coeffBoll, fast, pcSqueez, periodMAX, slow, smooth);


              // This namespace holds all strategies and is required. Do not change it.
              namespace NinjaTrader.Strategy
              public partial class Strategy : StrategyBase
              /// <summary>
              /// Donne les Squeez MACD
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns></returns>
              public Indicator.SqueezMACD SqueezMACD(double coeffBoll, int fast, double pcSqueez, int periodMAX, int slow, int smooth)
              return _indicator.SqueezMACD(Input, coeffBoll, fast, pcSqueez, periodMAX, slow, smooth);

              /// <summary>
              /// Donne les Squeez MACD
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns></returns>
              public Indicator.SqueezMACD SqueezMACD(Data.IDataSeries input, double coeffBoll, int fast, double pcSqueez, int periodMAX, int slow, int smooth)
              if (InInitialize && input == null)
              throw new ArgumentException("You only can access an indicator with the default input/bar series from within the 'Initialize()' method");

              return _indicator.SqueezMACD(input, coeffBoll, fast, pcSqueez, periodMAX, slow, smooth);



              • #8
                Discussion déplacée dans notre nouveau forum Ninja Trader


                • #9

                  Dans la pagaille du forum NinjaTrader je post ici.....

                  Besoin d'aide pour importation de code .
                  Pas mal de codes donnés ci-dessus mais comment les importer.
                  Pas aussi simple que PRT,le copier coller ne fonctionne pas .....

                  Exemple: j'ai un code STPMT

                  // STPMT
                  Length(9) ;

                  MM_STPMT(0),STOCH1(0),STOCH2(0),STOCH3(0),STOCH4(0 );

                  STPMT = (4.1*SlowKCustomOrig(H, L, C, 5, 3) + 2.5*SlowKCustomOrig(H, L, C, 14, 3)
                  + SlowKCustomOrig(h, L, C, 45, 14) + 4*SlowKCustomOrig(H, L, C, 75, 20))/11.6;
                  MM_STPMT = Average(STPMT, Length);
                  STOCH1=SlowKCustomOrig(H, L, C, 5, 3);
                  STOCH2=SlowKCustomOrig(H, L, C, 14, 3);
                  STOCH3=SlowKCustomOrig(H, L, C, 45, 14);
                  STOCH4=SlowKCustomOrig(H, L, C, 75, 20);

                  Plot1( STPMT, "STPMT" ) ;
                  Plot2( MM_STPMT, "MM_STPMT" ) ;
                  //Plot3( STOCH1, "STOCH1" ) ;
                  //Plot3( STOCH2, "STOCH2" ) ;
                  //Plot3( STOCH3, "STOCH3" ) ;
                  //Plot3( STOCH4, "STOCH4" ) ;

                  Tools=>New NinjaScript =>indicator

                  A partir de la fenêtre n°2 je ne remplie rien et je clique sur finish.
                  Apparait une fenêtre ou je vire tout et y colle le code STPMT , je compile et rien !!!!!

                  Rien trouvé sur le NET sur ce problème précis ....
                  Accepte ce qui est, laisse aller ce qui était et aie confiance en ce qui sera. (Bouddha)


                  • #10
                    j'ai pas nt mais j'ai un peu pratiqué sur mt4

                    après avoir compilé tu n'as pas "rien" mais une erreur
                    avec une case "click for more info"

                    un problème d'espace mais ça s'arrête à "con"

                    il faut corriger cette erreur pour réussir la compile et que l'indic soit intégré à la plateforme


                    • #11
                      Merci à vous deux .
                      Vous avez toujours réponse à tous .
                      J'ai fait un beau tuto ça pourra tour servir .
                      Pour info le code je l'ai chourrer à Chipeur mais je ne retrouve plus mon lien.......

                      Merci les garçons je vais étudier ça ce Week-end au frais .....
                      Accepte ce qui est, laisse aller ce qui était et aie confiance en ce qui sera. (Bouddha)


                      • #12
                        Envoyé par La Verole Voir le message
                        Merci à vous deux .
                        Vous avez toujours réponse à tous .
                        J'ai fait un beau tuto ça pourra tour servir .
                        Pour info le code je l'ai chourrer à Chipeur mais je ne retrouve plus mon lien.......

                        Merci les garçons je vais étudier ça ce Week-end au frais .....
                        Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		oc2wioeo.gif 
Affichages :	342 
Taille :		32,2 Ko 
ID : 			1542891Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		oc2wioeo.gif 
Affichages :	342 
Taille :		32,2 Ko 
ID : 			1542891


                        • #13
                          Accepte ce qui est, laisse aller ce qui était et aie confiance en ce qui sera. (Bouddha)


                          • #14
                            Bon petit à petit l'oiseau fait son nid

                            Un solution pour virer ce parasitage sur graph
                            J'ai tout bidouillé dans "indicateur" ou dans "Chart Properties" ça colle au graph

                            Accepte ce qui est, laisse aller ce qui était et aie confiance en ce qui sera. (Bouddha)


                            • #15

                              Absolument génial !!!!!!!

                              Je commence à en pincer grave

                              Merci Arnaud
                              Accepte ce qui est, laisse aller ce qui était et aie confiance en ce qui sera. (Bouddha)

