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  • je confirme....


    • Je me suis intéressé de près au calcul des leviers des turbos call.

      Levier = 1 / (1- prix exercice/support)


      Voici les graphes comparés des 2 turbos indexés sur le brent

      Constat navrant, au-delà de 70$, les leviers deviennent plutôt faibles, et ensuite, ils tangentent la valeur de 1 !

      Bref, il faudra se reporter sur d'autres turbos sinon c'est plus des turbos !


      • Bonsoir à tous,

        pour tous les belges intéressés par cette matière première, il y a une émission sur la RTBF ("la une" pour les puristes) ce soir à 20h10 dont le titre est:

        "Planète nature - Bye Bye pétrole"

        Voici les informations données:

        "Les conséquences d'une forte croissance de la demande mondial en énergie sont alarmantes. Si les gouvernements du monde entier ne renoncent pas à leurs politiques actuelles, les besoins énergétiques de la planète dépasseront, à l'horizon 2030, leur niveau actuel de 50%. Autant de chapitres..." (désolé mais je ne vois pas la suite)



        • La résistance à 56$ a lachée la semaine dernière. La prochaine résistance importante est 78$ mais il faut franchir les 61$ ce qui n'est pas encore fait.
          IL faudra attendre une consolidation le mois prochain pour se replacer à l'achat avec obj 78$ fin d'année.

          vue HEBDO
          Cliquez pour agrandir

          vue journalière

          Cliquez pour agrandir


          • Le Pétrole a tout l'air de faire u Pull-Back vers son ancien canal haussier avec la zone des 78-80 comme objectif probable.


            • Consolidation qui se fera probablement après la réunion de l'OPEP..


              • Un article intéressant pour les personnes qui suivent le pétrole:


                (et pour les autres aussi d'ailleurs



                • Je prends mes bénéfices à 61,7$ sur les Turbo call 1841B et 1842B et me repositionnerai acheteur entre 54,4 et 47 $.

                  On aura assisté à une impulsion en 5 vagues. Compter 3 vagues a, b et c de consolidation avant d'acheter.


                  • Je viens de passer long swing à 60. SL à 56.


                    • quel produit vaut acheter pour calquer l'evolution du petrole a 100% en euros?


                      • Oil price leaps to year's high

                        Predictions of $250 a barrel on fears for oil reserves, hopes of economic recovery and hedging against weak dollar.

                        The price of oil burst through the $71 a barrel mark today amid revelations that proven reserves had fallen for the first time in 10 years and predictions that the price could eventually hit $250.

                        The latest high – from lows of $30 only four months ago – came on the New York Mercantile Exchange, where the cost of July deliveries rose by $1.35 to $71.36.

                        This comes on top of a $2 rise the day before as investors rushed into the market on the back of lower stockpile figures, higher demand estimates and speculation against further falls in the dollar.


                        • Il y a un niveau clé entre 88 et 93 de supports mensuels sous lesquels le Pétrole passe baissier LT.


                          • Pour la deuxième semaine consécutive les cours du WTI viennent buter sur la MM20 weekly et se retrouvent dans la zone neutre daily formée par le RET90 et la MME150.
                            A court terme, la sortie de cette zone peut être un bon indicateur sur le sens du mouvement qui suivra.



                              Un système de troque se met en place entre la chine et l'Iran , Pétrole contre exportation chinoise


                              Tehran and Beijing are in talks about using a barter system to exchange Iranian oil for Chinese goods and services, as US financial sanctions have blocked China from paying at least $20bn for oil imports.

                              The US sanctions against Iran, which make it extremely difficult to conduct dollar-denominated business, mean that China could owe the oil-rich nation as much as $30bn, according to people familiar with the problem.

                              They said the unpaid oil bills had built up over the past two years and the governments, which are in early-stage talks, were looking at how to “offset” the debt.

                              Some Iranian officials are growing increasingly angry about the inability of the country’s largest oil customers to pay cash, a problem that has contributed to a shortage of hard currency and has hindered the central bank from defending the Iranian rial, which has been sharply devalued over the past month.

                              China and India together buy about one-third of Iran’s oil, the country’s economic lifeblood. China’s oil imports from Iran have risen 49 per cent this year, according to Reuters.

                              Iran Opens Oil Bourse - Harbinger of Trouble for New York and London?




                              • image : ou format inconnu

                                As the conflict in East Asia regarding the South Asian Sea, seems to have quieted down temporarily, the US – Iran conflict is reemerging. As mentioned before: warfare, politics and resources are inextricably joined and this case is no different. Oil, the Dollar and Iran are completely interconnected.

                                This week Iran launched an Oil Bourse on Kish Island. At the same time, former CIA officer and middle east expert Robert Baer stated that Israel is preparing to possibly attack on Iran in the Fall. Meanwhile, a US Drone was shot down Iran and a senior Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes secret activities taking place right now that make it hard to say with any definitiveness what will happen next in this theatre.

                                Importantly, readers must understand that the United States is actually in an active war with Iran. Most think the US is not at war with Iran because the US does not have troops inside Iran such as it does in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and is not engaging in behind-the-scenes support like in Libya, Yemen, and Somalia. The US is involved in active war with Iran in the form of a Siege:

                                In the last decade, US military presence surrounding Iran has vastly increased. Starting clockwise around the Iranian Plateau:

                                Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan…the former Soviet States to the northeast of Iran have cooperated with the US by providing base support such as for aircraft landing and other logistic supports.

                                Afghanistan, Pakistan (AF-PAK)…active war since 9/11 invasion, and US military and CIA activities inside Pakistan. Pakistan has already received billions in US military aid. Also, western supported Jundallah terrorists have attack Iran from inside southwest Pakistan.

                                United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait…The sparsely populated Arab countries have been receiving full support from the Anglo-sphere for more than a century. Currently these areas are home to US ground, naval and air forces.

                                Iraq…home to US troops and massive US military political involvement after the invasion and toppling of Saddam. Also home to anti-Islamic Republic of Iran group MEK with US acquiescence.

                                Turkey…though acting more independently in recent years, it was an original NATO member and is in agreement with the US over Libya.

                                Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (Caucasus)…provide US troops/logistics support.

                                In addition, US aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, create a complete physical encirclement.

                                The United States has also been increasing sanctions on Iran, its corporations, and on particularly people. This has deeply hurt the domestic economy and flow on money in and out of the country. As such, inflation is near hyperinflation levels due to the money printing of the government for paying for domestic expenses. Prices are skyrocketing.

                                The banking ban against Iran has made it impossible for Iran to get paid for the oil it sells to countries like India and China. Those countries already owe Iran billions in dollars for previously received oil. China has hinted about possibly bartering with Iran in exchange for the oil.

                                image : ou format inconnu

                                “This is an old-fashioned Siege”

